Masjidil Haram

Masjidil Haram
Mengamit Memori

Saturday, February 26, 2011













Rumah Tradisional

Rumah Perak
Rumah Negeri Sembilan

Rumah Kelantan

Rumah kaum cina

Rumah kaum dusun di Sabah (ada kesamaan dengan rumah keluarga di sekitar tahun 60).

Rumah kaum Murut di Sabah

Rumah kaum bisaya di Sabah

Rumah Kaum Bidayuh di Sarawak

Rumah kaum Berunai di Sabah

Rumah kaum Bajau (Sama) di Sabah

Rumah Tradisional amat menarik dan mempunyai seni yang tersendiri. Dibesarkan di kalangan masyarakat kaum kadazan di daerah Membakut saya juga mempunyai pengalaman bertahun2 tinggal di rumah yang berbentuk tradisional. Beratapkan daun rumbia dan mempunyai ruang tamu terbuka yang agak luas. Di keliling ruang tamu yang terbuka ini dibina tempat duduk daripada papan untuk tetamu yang berkunjung. Rumah kami pada zaman itu mempunyai 2 bilik tidur dan ruang keluarga. Di belakang terletak dapur yang sederhan besarnya untuk memasak dan keluarga menjamu selera. Oleh kerana bapa dari keturunan cina maka rumah kami ada meja bulat dan 'stool' tempat duduk untuk makan. Oleh kerana adik beradik ramai kami biasanya akan membentangkan tikar mengkuang dan makan bersama.Ruang tamu terbuka yang luas juga digunakan untuk menyidai pakaian apabila hari hujan. Oleh kerana atap diperbuat daripada daun rumbia maka tidak pula terasa panas di siang hari tapi agak sejuk pada waktu malam. Apabila pintu rumah dibuka pada waktu pagi maka kelihatan nun jauh di sana bukit bukau dimana terletaknya kebun getah dan kebun buah2an orang2 kampung.Di halaman rumah di tanam dengan pokok2 bunga. Beberapa meter di hadapan terbentang sawah padi kepunyaan keluarga. Di sawah itulah keluarga kami menanam padi. Di sebelah rumah pulak ditanam bermacam2 jenis sayur seperti kacang panjang, timun, terung, sawi dan tomato. Bapa juga ada menanam kacang tanah, keledek dan keladi. Walaupun telah beberapa tahun berlalu namun kenangan tinggal di rumah kampung masih segar dalam ingatan malah masih boleh mengingati aktiviti2 keluarga pada masa itu. Di antaranya yang paling seronok ialah bergotong royong dengan orang2 kampung menuai padi dan membersih kebun yang terletak nun jauh di perbukitan. Tapi kenangan manis ini hanya disimpan dalam kotak fikiran saja sebabnya pada masa itu keluarga kami belum mampu untuk membeli sebuah kamera. Untuk itu sebagai meluahkan rasa rindu dengan rumah2 kampung maka saya mencari2 dalam google untuk tatapan kita bersama.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Administratively Krakatau belongs to Lampung Province.
Krakatau located in Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatera Island, had been wellknown and recorded in the history since the 16th century.

2011 Eruptions
Eruptions from Krakatau volcano, Indonesia forced the evacuation of tens of thousands residents on 11th January 2011. Seven districts affected were Kalianda, Rajabasa, Katibung, Sidomulyo, Ketapang, Sragi and Palas. On Monday ash from Anak Krakatau continued to cover residential areas in parts of Banten province and South Lampung. Visual observations showed ash emissions reaching a height of 600 m and drifting east. Ashfall affected the operation of seismometers on the volcano. Fisherman and tourists were advised to stay at least 2 km from the volcano.

The Niagara Falls are voluminous waterfalls on the Niagara River, straddling the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York. The falls are 17 miles (27 km) north-northwest of Buffalo, New York and 75 miles (121 km) south-southeast of Toronto, Ontario, between thetwin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, New York.

Lake Toba (Indonesian: Danau Toba) is a lake and supervolcano. The lake is 100 kilometres long and 30 kilometres wide, and 505 metres (1,666 ft) at its deepest point. Located in the middle of the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra with a surface elevation of about 900 metres (2,953 ft), the lake stretches from°N 98.52°E to°N 99.1°E. It is the largest lake in Indonesia and the largest volcanic lake in the world.[1

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system[1][2] composed of over 2,900 individual reefs[3] and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi).[4][5] The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in north-east Australia.

The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space and is the world's biggest single structure made by living organisms.[6] This reef structure is composed of and built by billions of tiny organisms, known as coral polyps.[7] This reef supports a wide diversity of life, and was selected as a World Heritage Site in 1981.[1][2] CNNlabeled it one of the seven natural wonders of the world.[8] The Queensland National Trust named it a state icon of Queensland.[9]

A large part of the reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which helps to limit the impact of human use, such as fishing and tourism. Other environmental pressures on the reef and its ecosystem include runoff, climate change accompanied by mass coral bleaching, and cyclic population outbreaks of thecrown-of-thorns starfish.

TTTTTTTTTGreat Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in northern China, built originally to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire against intrusions by various nomadic groups. Several walls have been built since the 5th century BC that are referred to collectively as the Great Wall, which has been rebuilt and maintained from the 5th century BC through the 16th century. One of the most famous is the wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Little of that wall remains; the majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty.

The Great Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east, to Lop Nur in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. The most comprehensive archaeological survey, using advanced technologies, has concluded that the entire Great Wall, with all of its branches, stretches for 8,851.8 km (5,500.3 mi). This is made up of 6,259.6 km (3,889.5 mi) sections of actual wall, 359.7 km (223.5 mi) of trenches and 2,232.5 km (1,387.2 mi) of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers.

Mamut copper mine – the first open-cast mine in the country – began churning out copper ore in 1975. Throughout its peak production years, and up until 1994, the annual production of copper concentrate was 100,000 tonnes or 25,000 tonnes of pure copper.

PUTING BELIUNG DI UTARA SABAH: PENDUDUK Kudat di utara Sabah dikejutkan dengan fenomena puting beliung yang berlaku di kawasan laut kira-kira 300 meter dari pantai pada jam 6.15 petang, Rabu lalu. Kejadian itu turut membentuk satu pusaran air di kawasan laut tapi hilang selepas kira-kira 15 minit. Fenomena yang jarang berlaku itu menarik perhatian ratusan penduduk bandar berkenaan. Gambar ini sempat dirakam oleh seorang kakitangan Telekom Malaysia (TM) yang menghadiri satu program di Kelab Golf Kudat.

'Pulau Batu Hairan'. Pulau ini sebenarnya terletak 65 Kilometer ke timur laut kudat dan mempunyai keluasan 0.77 Hektar dan 3.1 meter tinggi yang telah ditemui pada 14 April 1988. Walaupun kisah Pulau ini telah lama dan ramai diantara kita tidak tahu mahupun telah melupakan kisah pulau ini yang kini tidak wujud lagi, masyarakat utara sabah sebenarnya masih tertanya-tanya mengapa pulau ini tiba-tiba wujud, siapa yang mula-mula tahu tentang kewujudannya, kemana hilangnya pulau tersebut dan apa hikmah disebalik kewujudan pulau tersebut sebanyak 3 kali dalam setahun dan selepas itu hilang sehingga kini. Semua jawapan tersebut sukar dijawab dan seolah-olah pulau ini 'Misteri' dan memang amat menghairankan. Dan yang sangat menghairankan juga masyarakat kita pada ketika itu ialah apabila terlalu taksub tentang kewujudan pulau tersebut. Banyak andaian yang dibuat, banyak perkara yang cuba dimanipulasikan daripada fakta sebenar sehinggakan terdapat pelbagai mitos cerita yang sebenarnya tidak wujud diatas pulau itu cuba direka oleh golongan tertentu. Inilah yang amat menghairankan kita. Justeru, sebagai pengajarannya walaupun kisah 'Pulau Batu Hairan' ini tinggal sebutan dibibir dan tidak wujud lagi, namun kita harus sentiasa ingat bahawa setiap benda yang wujud itu jika kita tidak tahu meneroka, menilai dan menghargainya mungkin hanya tinggal kenangan dan akhirnya terungkaplah perkataan HAIRAN.

The Taj is the most beautiful monument built by the Mughals, the Muslim rulers of India. Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset. The Taj seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across the Jamuna river.

Taj Mahal was built by a Muslim, Emperor Shah Jahan (died 1666 C.E.) in the memory of his dear wife and queen Mumtaz Mahal at Agra, India. It is an "elegy in marble" or some say an expression of a "dream." Taj Mahal (meaning Crown Palace) is a Mausoleum that houses the grave of queen Mumtaz Mahal at the lower chamber. The grave of Shah Jahan was added to it later. The queen’s real name was Arjumand Banu. In the tradition of the Mughals, important ladies of the royal family were given another name at their marriage or at some other significant event in their lives, and that new name was commonly used by the public. Shah Jahan's real name was Shahab-ud-din, and he was known as Prince Khurram before ascending to the throne in 1628.

Borobudur adalah nama sebuah candi Buddha yang terletak di Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Lokasi candi adalah kurang lebih 100 km di sebelah barat daya Semarang dan 40 km di sebelah barat laut Yogyakarta. Candi ini didirikan oleh para penganut agama Buddha Mahayana sekitar tahun 800-an Masehi pada masa pemerintahan wangsa Syailendra.

Alongside the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu, the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil is one of the most instantly recognizable South American images. Perched atop the Corcovado Mountain and overlooking the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro, the statue is visited daily by thousands of tourists and pilgrims alike.
In the mid 1850s, a Catholic priest by the name of Pedro Maria Boss laid eyes upon the Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. Inspired by the towering peak rising up imposingly over the city, he imagined a monument to his faith placed upon it for all to see. In order to realize his vision, Father Pedro sought approval from Isabel I, then Princess Imperial of Brazil, in whose honor the statue would be built.

This sacred site was one of the greatest Mayan centres of the Yucatán peninsula. Throughout its nearly 1,000-year history, different peoples have left their mark on the city. The Maya and Toltec vision of the world and the universe is revealed in their stone monuments and artistic works. The fusion of Mayan construction techniques with new elements from central Mexico make Chichen-Itza one of the most important examples of the Mayan-Toltec civilization in Yucatán. Several buildings have survived, such as the Warriors’ Temple, El Castillo and the circular observatory known as El Caracol.

The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt.

There are 138 pyramids discovered in Egypt as of 2008.[1][2] Most were built as tombs for the country's Pharaohs and their consorts during the Old andMiddle Kingdom periods.[3][4][5]

The earliest known Egyptian pyramids are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. The earliest among these is the Pyramid of Djoser (constructed 2630 BCE–2611 BCE) which was built during the third dynasty. This pyramid and its surrounding complex were designed by the architect Imhotep, and are generally considered to be the world's oldest monumental structures constructed of dressed masonry.

The most famous Egyptian pyramids are those found at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Several of the Giza pyramids are counted among the largest structures ever built.[6]

The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence.

Machu Picchu stands 2,430 m above sea-level, in the middle of a tropical mountain forest, in an extraordinarily beautiful setting. It was probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its height; its giant walls, terraces and ramps seem as if they have been cut naturally in the continuous rock escarpments. The natural setting, on the eastern slopes of the Andes, encompasses the upper Amazon basin with its rich diversity of flora and fauna.