by Adrian Nandu on Friday, February 25, 2011 at 5:16pm
Muhammad p.b.u.h. Who is Muhammad? Well, as we know he is the prophet for the Muslims then and now. He is the messenger of Allah (God) on His earth to spread the message of Islam as ordained by Him.Who is he indeed?There is a story of the first created man. The man who broke his promise towards Allah. His promise to never get close with the forbidden tree. Because of his wrongdoing he was sent out from the Most Beautiful Place ever existed to this cursed world.
He was crying when he found himself living in misery with a feeling of sorrow and regret. He was thinking how blissful and happy he was while living on the Beautiful and Blissful Garden above. He was crying over and over again for three hundred years on a hill. He was repenting while prostrating himself before Allah in those long period. While his forehead touched the earth he was asking forgiveness from the Almighty. In one moment, he remembered a name written on Jannah (heaven), the Garden of Bliss. The name placed next to Allah's name on the heaven's door.
He mentioned the name before Allah, while asking forgiveness from Him:"With the noble name of Muhammad, I'm asking forgiveness from you Oh Allah."
Allah asked the repenting man:"How do you know that name?"
The man replied:"I saw it on the main door of Jannah placed next to Your name"
Allah asked again:"Do you know Muhammad?"
The man answered:"No. But, I believe he is closed to You."
Allah then said:"If not because of that name, I will never forgive you."
Then, Allah forgave that man and asked him to raise his head. The man later appointed as the first prophet on this earth and he is Prophet Adam a.s.
Muhammad is the last prophet and the seal of all prophets as told by Allah in his final Book sent to this world by his angel, Jibril (Gabriel) a.s known as Qur'an.
The name of the last prophet saved the first man from his sin, which later raised to a rank of prophet and became the first prophet ever.
It is said that Muhammad was first created before all of the souls including Adam's. All of us derived from Muhammad's soul or from Nur Muhammad (The Light of Muhammad).Its similitude is like drops of water from an ice cube. The ice cube is Muhammad and the drops of water are the souls on this earth, then, present and future.
Why are we here? Who created us?Do our fathers and mothers created us?Do they measure perfectly every inch of our bodies? Do they mould our eyes? Then, who created us? And, who created Muhammad?It is Allah, the Creator. Our parents are only part of the process or reason for our birth on this world. The process excluded Prophet Adam and Isa (Jesus) a.s for Allah wanted us to learn from the miracles of Adam and Isa creation. Though, the point is still Allah, the reason of Adam and Isa existence to this world then.
Who is Muhammad indeed?His name was written in both major Books belong to Jewish (Torah) and Christians (Bible). Both of them knew Muhammad like their own sons. How wise Allah is when the Jews tried to dispel his name from their Torah, but Allah still hid his name in other phrase. I was surprised to watch a documentary in You Tube whenever a sentence of phrase in Hebrew translated into English where its meaning turned out to be 'Muhammad'. What 'worse' is the Jewish are chanting the name of Muhammad whenever they pray before their 'Crying Wall'.
For me, I believe in Muhammad for every word he spoke is true and no proof to deny it. He spoke the truth which prevailed in the future even after his death hundred years ago. A French scientist once said,"I don't know where this man called Muhammad came from. But, what he said is true." The scientist referred to his studies on the cradle of the earth and sky. He found out that, the sky and earth once joined together before they were separated in a scientific process. If I'm not mistaken the scientist was stuck in his research while finding the right answer for the problem where he finally got the idea after reading a verse in the Qur'an which is explaining the former structure of the earth and sky.
One of Muhammad's miracle was when he stated that the Persian armies would be defeated by the Romans in a short period of time after the latter suffered massive defeat to the Persians. Well, it happened in seven to nine years later where the Romans defeated the Persians in a battle with huge victory. What he said is what was sent down by the All-Knowing above and it enshrined in the Quran in early verses of the Ar-Ruum letter.
He also once said that the City of Constantinople would be opened by the best Muslim Sultan and armies. Constantinople was a Roman's city in the east, which once thought was impossible to be conquered. In 1453, after 800 years Prophet Muhammad spoke his words regarding the city, the young sultan aged 20 named Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih with 150,000 best armies realized the prophet's words. The sultan and his armies conquered the city and now the city called Istanbul a former capital of Turkey.
For me, whatever Prophet Muhammad says will prevail and which may take some time to know its truth. Qur'an is his greatest miracle sent down by the Almighty Allah. Quran is full of knowledge and wisdom. It tells the past, present and future. Its quality never change since the first word of Iqra (read) sent down to this world for guidance to the mankind.
Muhammad changed the world history though he is an illiterate prophet. Allah has His own reason for making him so.The Makkan unbelievers alleged him then for reading and learning his 'new religion' from the past Books such as Bible. His illiteracy denied it so. The message of Quran which he successfully spread it had revolutionized the world then and now. It revolutionized the science, art, socio-economic,history, music, language and all of life aspects. Take a time to think how the educated and intellectual ones gain the benefits from studying the Quran brought by an illiterate man!
Muhammad is a great teacher like his brothers: Moses, Jesus and the rest of the prophets. Moses, Jesus and Muhammad never defying each other. Each of them recognizes their prophethood.
Adam had been saved after knowing and mentioning Muhammad's name. His name is placed next to Allah's at the main door of Jannah or heaven for the key to open the door is in a sentence of 'Laa ila ha illallah. Muhammadur rasulullah' (There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger).
I believe in him and he is Muhammad and he is my prophet and the Muslims' prophet. May Allah bless him, his family and his Companions.
Muhammad says that Islam will win once again. If the Romans won over Persians, if Constantinople was conquered after he said so and there is no reason for Islam will not win again. We are in a process to win indeed! Allahu Akbar! May Islam rise again! Allahu Akbar!
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